What are the best book marketing strategies for introverted authors? We will cover several ways you can market your book successfully even if you are an introvert like me.
We all know it’s not easy to write and market a book, especially if you’re an introverted author. Here’s the good news: you are not alone. In fact, there are plenty of writers out there who have struggled with marketing their work. But did you know that it is possible to increase your audience engagement and book sales by using the right book marketing strategies?
Here are some helpful book marketing ideas to give you a head start on writing and marketing your next book.
Book Marketing Strategies for Introverted Authors
Strategy #1: Manage Your Energy
Energy management is a real thing and it’s often overlooked. There are several ways that I have found helpful to manage my energy with marketing tasks. For example, when I schedule interviews, I book them on one main day each week. I try to give myself a break between interviews to recharge as well.
I have also realized that creating video content drains me of energy more than audio content. Previously, I would record a video and repurpose it for our podcast. But when I switched to creating audio only episodes, it was much easier and less draining.
When I attend in-person events or conferences I make sure to block out at least one day on my calendar to rest.
Next, recognize when you are in a vulnerability hangover and need a break from social media. If you are a highly sensitive person or empath, consider setting boundaries with your time spent on social media.
You can do this by blocking your newsfeed, unfollowing or unmuting your notifications on Instagram, turning off notifications on your phone and email and only checking them when you log into the platform. You can also set a timer and get off after a set time.
Energy Management is a real thing! Listen to an episode of our private podcast, Hitz Blitz: Wisdom for Writers on this topic below. And if you want access to more content like this, you can subscribe here.
Strategy #2: Plan and Schedule Ahead
Being organized and planning ahead are your greatest allies so you can effectively market your book.
A helpful book marketing strategy is to keep a list of story ideas and content topics so you’re not trying to figure out what to say at the last minute. You can also use templates and adapt them to your personality and voice.
Another good idea is to write emails and social media posts ahead of time. The same goes for podcast episodes and any type of content marketing. Scheduling ahead of time will give you the margin you need as an introvert.
By planning and staying ahead of your schedule, you have more time to decide what you want to say and not feel overwhelmed in the moment.
Strategy #3: Use Book Marketing Ideas that Work with Your Strengths
Yes, you read that right. One of the most effective book marketing strategies is to work with your strengths!
As an introverted writer, use writing more often in your marketing.
Here are a few effective ways to do this:
- Publish a short Kindle eBook that you offer free on Amazon to promote your other books. You can also make it permafree. Find more info in this blog post.
- Focus on email marketing. Write emails when you are inspired and have energy and schedule them ahead of time. Remember, planning and scheduling ahead is always a good idea as an introvert.
- Use SEO (search engine optimization) to attract new readers. You can do this via blog posts or Pinterest. This will help increase your engagement with your audience as well as establish your online presence so people can know about you and your book without requiring that you show up on video.
- Try guest blogging and email swaps when initiating collaborations that are introvert friendly and focus on writing.
Additionally, an effective book marketing idea is to take advantage of Amazon ads. You decide your own budget and how much you want to spend for your ads.

Lastly, write down when you feel anxious or uncomfortable when marketing your book. Your negative feelings are often an indication that you may need to make a change.
However, recognize when the negative feeling is fear. If you find yourself saying no from a place of fear – even though the strategy you’re considering makes sense in the bigger picture of marketing your book– then it might be time to gently stretch yourself. Ask God for the strength to move forward and do it afraid.
By understanding and prioritizing your own needs as an introverted author, you can more effectively manage your energy so you can write and market your book successfully.
- Prioritize self-care: Make sure to take care of your physical and mental well-being. This could include getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising regularly, and finding ways to de-stress and unwind.
- Set boundaries: It’s important to set boundaries around your time and energy, both with yourself and with others. This could mean saying no to requests or invitations that don’t align with your goals or values, or setting aside dedicated time for rest and rejuvenation.
- Take breaks: It’s important to take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge your batteries. This could mean taking a short walk, listening to music, meditating, or simply stepping away from your work for a few minutes.
What other ideas do you have? Share them in the comments below.
If you want to learn more about how you can effectively market your book, I want to invite you to join Christian Book Academy. We have book marketing training that will help you reach more readers with your message.
Take a Step of Faith and Finally Finish Your Book
Most writers stay stuck and never finish their first draft. Inside Christian Book Academy, we help you partner with God to write your book so you can become a published author. Finally ditch your self-doubt and take a step of faith so you can finish your book.
Shelly, this is such a great post. It’s relevant to introverts in general too – outside of book publishing. I’m at ease with preparing my social media content well in advance and yes! to energy management- body first, everything else next. Thanks for sharing this fantastic blog post.
So glad you found it helpful! You’re very welcome.